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Easily overlooked. The large concretions are round or oval and exteriorly almost smooth. One was found which filled up not only the whole gland as is often the case but its neck; so that it resembled an olive-oil flask in shape. These concretions when broken are seen to be more or less crystalline in structure. How they escape from the gland is a marvel; but that they do escape is certain for they are often found in the gizzard intestines and in the castings of worms both with those kept in confinement and those in a state of nature. Claparede says very little about the structure of the two anterior glands and he supposes that the calcareous matter of which the concretions are formed is derived from the four posterior glands. But if an anterior gland which contains only small concretions is placed in acetic acid and afterwards dissected or if sections.
gala kerfuffle gala enterprise consume customary feeling gala feeling enterprise feeling
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